This guide is for MacOS users with zero tech knowledge and is based off of Lemiscate’s guide for windows users.

<aside> ⚠️ READ FIRST:

➜  aave_interface git:(main) yarn dev


But wait, what’s a “Front-end”?

The Front-end is the layer of a web application that is “in front of” the user: it’s the part seen by the user and which the user can interact with, like a website, mobile app.

In the case of a decentralised application, it’s the layer that’s on top of the blockchain and allows the user to interact with it.

If for any reason you cannot see the website when you send a request on your browser to go to, fear no more as it is possible to run your own front-end locally (= on your computer) to access the protocol.

Where do I go, what do I do?

First, requirements:

  1. Install git ⇒

  2. Open your terminal, you should see this:

    ➜  ~
  3. Now, create a new folder to add your future code, and navigate to it. I called mine “self_hosting_frontends

    <aside> 🔥 A good practice is to separate any code from the $HOME folder (the ~ folder, or /Users/<your_name> on Mac). Always create a new folder (with mkdir) and go into it (with cd). That’s where you’ll want to run the git clone command later.


    ➜  ~ mkdir self_hosting_frontends
    ➜  ~ cd self_hosting_frontends

That was the hardest, now you’re ready to go:

Just making sure we have everything ready and in the right place on our computer. At this point we should be in our directory called “self_hosting_frontends”.